2. Hauptabteilung Innere Verwaltung
2.7. Abteilung IV Bevölkerungswesen und Fürsorge
sprawy dot. poszukiwań i zwolnień polskich żołnierzy z niewoli niemieckiej - podania do Generalnego Gubernatora, zaświadczenia z poprzednich miejsc pracy, zaświadczenia z urzędów, zaświadczenia o niekaralności, zaświadczenia lekarskie, list ze stalagu - wykres ilości wpływających wniosków od 1.07.1940 do 15.09.1941 - sprawy następujących osób: Władysław Żurek,Jan Zdieniecki, Władysław Zielak, Jan Zaremba, Jan Zdybel, Jan Zając, Stanisław Zawrotnik, Stanisław Zając, Karol Zeltner, Jan Zaczykiewicz, Anton Żukoński, Bolesław Zochowski, Piotr Zych, Jan Zdziarski, Karol Zawistowski, Edward Zielonka, Roman Ziomek, Józef Zdon, Teofil Zawadzki, Ludwik Zakrzewski, Józef Zwiążek, Karol Zaremba, Władysław Zemła, Jan Zygłowicz, Jan Żyżniewski, Tadeusz Zagórski, Antoni Zaremba, Stanisław Zima, Jan Ziętara, Piotr Zaczek, Andrzej Zuchowski, Kazimierz Zygmuntowicz, Władysław Wałtosz, Jan Wilkosz, Robert Wojak, Stanisław Walasek, Józef woźny, Tadeusz Zechowicz, Władysław Walak, Kazimierz Kasprzak (poszukiwany przez Marię Walczak), Karol Wiktor, Jan Wojtas, Władysław Wojakowski, Marian Wołek, Wojciech Włodarczyk, Stanisław Walaszczyk, Józef Waligóra, Aleksander Wieliczko, Władysław Wikło, Tadeusz Wojtowicz, Stanisław Żuk, Władysław Zubek, Marek Zawirski, Franciszek Zyśk, Mieczysław Zelechowski, Stanisław Ziobro, Edward Zawartka, Wojciech Zachariasz, Mieczysław Ziółko, Karol Zawistowski, Franciszek Zaniewicz, Adam Zieliński, Antoni Żelazowski, Michał Zaręba, Marian Żmuda, Mieczysław Zaidlewicz, Franciszek Zuber, Jan Zembil, Władysław Zajachowski, Józef Zacharski, Stanisław Żabicki, Ryszard Zeliwski, Wincenty Ziemba, Józef Ziemiani, Józef Zięba, Bolesław Zywicki, Władysław Ziętek, Józef Zacharski, Stanisław Zaleński, Jerzy Złotowski, Kazimierz Zieliński, Andrzej Zenink, Stanisław Nawrocki, Antoni Żółtowski, Franciszek Zając, Franciszek ZyZański, Jan Majkut, Roman Zabiegaj, Stanislaw Zapart, Jgnac Zbroja, Michał Zaremba, Józef Małek, Bolesław Ziółkowski, Czesław Zwoliński, Antoni Zachwieja, Józef Ziemski, Marian Zasada, Antoni Żaczek, Czesław Zamojko, Adam Zerynger, Stanisław Zając, henryk Zieliński, Franciszek Zyzański, Józef Ziąbski, Juliusz Wiśniakowski, Józef Wieszczek, Edward komsta, maksymilian Szalek, Feliks Pytlowski, Józef Stefańczyk
The library of the Pilecki Institute
ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa
Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 15:00
(+48) 22 182 24 75
The library of the Berlin branch of the Pilecki Institute
Pariser Platz 4a, 00-123 Berlin
Pon. - Pt. 10:30 - 17:30
(+49) 30 275 78 955
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Ever since it was established, the Witold Pilecki Institute of Solidarity and Valor has been collecting and sharing documents that present the multiple historical facets of the last century. Many of them were previously split up, lost, or forgotten. Some were held in archives on other continents. To facilitate research, we have created an innovative digital archive that enables easy access to the source material. We are striving to gather as many archives as possible in one place. As a result, it takes little more than a few clicks to learn about the history of Poland and its citizens in the 20th century.
The Institute’s website contains a description of the collections available in the reading room as well as the necessary information to plan a visit. The documents themselves are only available in the Institute’s reading room, a public space where material is available free of charge to researchers and anyone interested in the topics collected there. The reading room also offers a friendly environment for quiet work.
The materials are obtained from institutions, public archives, both domestic and international social organizations, as well as from private individuals. The collections are constantly being expanded. A full-text search engine that searches both the content of the documents and their metadata allows the user to reach the desired source with ease. Another way to navigate the accumulated resources is to search according to the archival institutions from which they originate and which contain hierarchically arranged fonds and files.
Most of the archival materials are in open access on computers in the reading room. Some of our collections, e.g. from the Bundesarchiv, are subject to the restrictions on availability resulting from agreements between the Institute and the institutions which transfer them. An appropriate declaration must be signed upon arrival at the reading room in order to gain immediate access to these documents.
Before your visit, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the scope and structure of our archival, library and audio-visual resources, as well as with the regulations for visiting and using the collections.
All those wishing to access our collections are invited to the Pilecki Institute at ul. Stawki 2 in Warsaw. The reading room is open from 9–15, Monday to Friday. An appointment must be made in advance by emailing czytelnia@instytutpileckiego.pl or calling (+48) 22 182 24 75.
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